Goju Ryu History

Goju Ryu History

Miyagi established the style in the late 1920,s and registered it with the Japanese Martial arts Association in 1933. 

See more on Japanese Goju Ryu history and Seiwa Kai  –  South Africa

Chojun Miyagi of goju ryu

Firstly Karate Do Goju Ryu is an effective and beneficial Karate style that can be learned by anyone. With traditional values, you’ll get in shape and maintain your integrity

Goju Ryu, is one of the best Karate styles around.  Goju Ryu has earned a well-deserved reputation as a self-defense and sports martial arts. With this in mind, it’s worth keeping an eye on Japanese Goju Ryu.

The 5 main karate styles in Japan are as follows

  • Goju Ryu
  • Shotokan 
  • Wado Ryu
  • Shito Ryu
  • Kyokushinkai 


Who are the main stream Goju Schools in Okinawa 

Okinawan Goju ryu karate do Kyokai is recognized globally as a top leading authority in traditional karate.  with Authentic Lineage:

OGKK maintains a direct lineage to the founder, Chojun Miyagi, ensuring that the teachings are preserved in their purest form.


So to is the Goju Block  under Mario Higaonna 

Morio Higaonna is a world renowned Okinawan karate master who is the founder and Chief Instructor of the Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do Federation.

He also founded the International Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate-do Federation. He is a holder of the highest rank in Goju-Ryu karate, 10th dan.

Mario Higaonna of Goju Ryu Okinawa


The origins of karate-do date back to the ancient travels of Buddhist monks throughout the Asian Frontier. Chinese travelling south from mainland China brought with them this art of the “Chinese Hand” .

History shows that Japan invaded these islands and In the late 19th Century an enthusiastic Okinawan youngster by the name of Chojun Miyagi, became well skilled in the art and was determined to know more.

After traveling to China to study. His search led him to the hard school of Shaolin Chuan, the soft school of Pakua Chan, and from these two he developed his own style of Goju (Hard – Soft).

Advocating that both the hard and soft complimented each other and he created the Sanchin and Tensho kata, a formal exercise which combined both these elements.

Amongst the trainees at the time when Miyagi was in Japan, there was a young man who was agile, fast and had a reputation for being a deceptive fighter.

His name was Gogen Yamaguchi. Gogen the CAT Yamaguchi soon proved to be a man of credibility and initiative and became highly respected in Karate circles in Japan.