Modus Operandi

Modus Operandi 

Rules and Regulations for members that are registered with Seiwakai in South Africa. 

Seiwakai South Africa 


Seiwakai Logo South Africa


Seiwakai want to assure you that any alleged behaviour or misconduct that does not conform to the values
and ethos of Seiwakai South Africa.

As senior instructors (Shihan Kai) and Presidential council of Seiwakai in South Africa we will take immediate action against the accused.

Seiwa Kai as an organization, will uphold the highest standards of integrity, respect, and discipline. These principles are fundamental to Seiwakai and the way we operate as an organization.

South Africa remains committed to maintaining these standards and developing an environment that reflects the true spirit of karate.

The council will take any necessary steps to address this matter appropriately once the investigation concludes..


The Instructor 

Members look up to their Masters and instructors, as people supposedly having achieved a level of higher consciousness and morality.

In addition Karate Instructors are seen as people of high discipline and skill, striving for peace and love for themselves and others, people of superior intellect, wisdom and foresight.

Senior karate instructors need to be aware of their social responsibilities and profound influence they can have on their students.

However if the Master displays all those qualities mentioned, but can also be potentially disastrous should the instructor display many of society’s lesser qualities and fall victim to its many vices.


Rules that apply to instructors and students

  • Members will not enter a dojo intoxicated 
  • No stealing will be allowed and will be dealt with severely 
  • Senior Instructors and members are to conduct themselves appropriately. 
  • Instructors will not swear in the dojo. 
  • Member will refrain from Drugs or excessive alcohol intake
  • Inappropriate behavior towards others in the dojo will not be tolerated 
  • Persons with narcissistic personality disorder will be allowed to teach as a instructor